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Meet Brandy Bixler

Leading the work to create the professional growth opportunities that NEA members need and want.

Title: Digital Learning Specialist
Years at NEA: 7 years

After a very successful 25-year career as a teacher, who taught all grades from Pre-K to 8th and worked as a math teacher-leader and instructional coach, there’s not much NEASO’s Brandy Bixler doesn’t know about good teaching and learning.

Today, she’s sharing that vast knowledge with nearly 30,000 educators. That’s the number of individual accounts that have been created to access NEA micro-credentials, which are short, online, professional learning courses for educators—and work that Brandy leads for NEA. “I love creating content,” she says, but even more so, she loves hearing from NEA members who tell her how grateful they are for the opportunities NEA is providing.

Not only are these NEA members getting high-quality learning about math practices, or arts integration, or bully-free schools, or family engagement, or so many other critical and current topics, these micro-credentials may also lead to CPUs or graduate credits, which are often linked to additional pay stipends or pay raises.

Fun Fact about Brandy

Thanks to Brandy, when the pandemic started, NEA was quick out of the gate with resources for our members on digital learning content.

Brandy depends on her NEASO colleagues for collaboration and support. They make her work even better.



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